3月4日#33「China’s College Graduates Seeking a Different Lifestyle」
放送 3月4日(金)10:30~10:58 / 16:30~16:58 / 19:30~19:58 / 5日早朝4:30~4:58(日本時間)
※英語版は、NHK-Worldのウェブサイトでもご覧いただけます 。
※『Protecting China’s Hot Pots』はBS1での日本語版の放送はありません。
Competition for employment in China among university graduates is becoming fierce as many vie for placements at leading corporations. Some, however, are seeking different paths with less focus on social status and job security. We follow the lives of 3 graduates who are contributing to the environment and culture, as they attempt to pave the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs.