8月26日(英語)/ 9月12日(日本語)「Chinese Youth Seek Fame and Fortune on the Internet(邦題:中国のネット事情 一獲千金を目指す若者たち)」
放送 2016年8月26日(金)10:30~10:58 / 16:30~16:58 / 19:30~19:58 / 27日早朝4:30~4:58(日本時間)
※英語版は、NHK-Worldのウェブサイトでもご覧いただけます 。
放送 9月12日(月)14:00~14:28
In China, a country known for its restrictions on media, a new wave of ambitious young men and women is bucking the trend as “Wang Hong”, or internet stars. Using video streaming to engage viewers directly, the best among them earning recognition and revenue gained from gifts sent by their devoted fans. At the same time, they struggle to gain acceptance from the older generation. In this episode of Asia Insight, we follow the aspirations of internet-based creators as they appear on the international scene.