
2017年3月10日(金)「Lighting up the City: A 24-hour Book Store in China」

3月10日(英語)「Lighting up the City: A 24-hour Book Store in China(中国 “都会の宿り木”書店に集う人々)」

放送 3月10日(金)10:30~10:58 / 16:30~16:58 / 19:30~19:58 /11日早朝4:30~4:58(日本時間)


※英語版は、NHK-Worldのウェブサイトでもご覧いただけます 。


With the rise of digital media in China, the market for brick-and-mortar bookstores is on the decline. However, amidst skepticism from his peers, one man in Guanzhou City opened a bookstore where customers are actually encouraged to read before they buy, or simply read. The store has garnered great attention from investors and customers alike. It promotes literacy among people of every class and background, and holds seminars and events around a variety of topics. In this episode, we follow one man who has fought the economic tide to provide a gathering place for all kinds of book-lovers.