
2017年9月15日(金)Asia Insight「Drones Take Flight in Shenzhen」

9月15日(英語)10月2日(日本語版)「Drones Take Flight in Shenzhen(深圳 ドローンシティの最前線)」

放送9月15日(金)10:30~10:58 / 16:30~16:58 / 19:30~19:58 /16日早朝4:30~4:58(日本時間)


放送 2017年8月7日(月)14:00~14:28

70% of the world’s civilian-use drones are made in the same city: Shenzhen, now referred to as “Drone City” by locals. In the span of a few years, drones have become a popular product with enthusiasts around the world, but the general public has perceived them as little more than toys. All this is beginning to change thanks to the innovations made in Shenzhen. From police investigation to transport, drones are set to enable major changes in society. We follow alongside this new technology to witness the heights to which the “Industrial Revolution of the Sky” has taken flight.