
10月19日(金)Asia Insight 「Changing Status of Bachelorettes in China」

Asia Insight

Changing Status of Bachelorettes in China

放送 2018年10月19日(金)10:30~10:58 / 16:30~16:58 / 19:30~19:58 /20日早朝4:30~4:58(日本時間)


Traditionally, single Chinese women over the age of 27 were made fun of and regarded as “being left on the shelf.” But now, with healthy incomes, single women are financially independent and have started to find a voice of their own. In spite of pressure from their parents, they don’t have to marry and rely on their husbands. On this episode of “Asia Insight,” we follow the lifestyles of three young women who are enjoying their single lives in the city of Beijing.