
2014年5月16日(金)Asia Insight「Saving China’s Abandoned Children」

2014年5月16日(金)NHK World
「Saving China’s Abandoned Children」

2014年6月2日(月) NHK BS1 14:00〜14:28
「中国 捨てられた子供たちを救え!」

In China, roughly 100,000 children are abandoned by their parents each year. Many suffer from illness or disability. Shanghai is one of the first Chinese cities to address the issue with one hospital taking in more than 500 unwanted children over the past 9 years. There has also been an increase in so-called baby hatches as there are concerns over infants left in life-threatening environments. This episode of Asia Insight follows some of the people at the frontline in protecting China’s abandoned children.